domingo, 15 de maio de 2011

The shortest road to Berlin

In the quiet of his study at No. 10 Downing Street, Winston Churchill sat hunched in his favorite chair, telephone cupped to his ear. The Prime Minister was listening to his Chief of Staff, General Sir Hastings Ismay, read to a copy of Montgomery's message to the Supreme Commander. The Field Marshall promise of "utmost speed and drive" was good news indeed; even better was declared intention of heading to Berlin. "Montgomery," the Prime Minister told Ismay, "is making remarkable progress".
Montgomery's Twenty First Army Group was in "the main drive over the Lower Rhine and north of the Rurh; this was the route that Churchill, in a later letter to Roosevelt, had called "the shortest route to Berlin". [...] "The Great Crusade" was nearing to its end, and for Churchill it was immensely satisfaying that of all Allied commanders it was the hero of El Alamein who seemed destined to capture the enemy capital".

C.  R. The last battle. 1966. Page 139.

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